These are real testimonials from real people! Contact us and we will put you in touch with them so you can ask them yourself.
Time Is Money is Excellent
"Time Is Money" is excellent. I especially like chapters 13, in particular how to manage an open iron condor. I'm just now getting into chapter 14. One of the best I have ever read on options.
Chicago, IL
Most Useful Of All The Trading Books
As I wrote to you after the Las Vegas Traders Expo back in 2014, I attended your talk there, after a suggestion by Jim Bittman at the CBOE booth. I really related to your session and I immediately went up to the bookseller booth at the show and bought your “No-Hype Options Trading” book. I can honestly say it’s been the most useful of all the trading books I’ve purchased (which is significant number!). I have read it several times and refer to it on a regular basis. I had forgotten that you had a second book out, until I was reminded at the 2015 Traders Expo. I ordered it when I returned home and have read portions of it already. It is also very applicable to the type of trading I do. I really appreciate the detail to backtesting various option strategies. I plan on reading it more carefully and sure I will take away many practical “nuggets” to help improve my techniques. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
San Diego, CA
Smartest Person
Right now you're the smartest person in the room. (email sent after the October 2015 crash; we closed before the crash.)
Canton, OH
Extremely Well Taught
Taking the course after an absence has been very much a help. The course was organized and extremely well-taught. The final lessons brought everything together in an informative and precise manner, hammering home important points that will keep us on the right track towards success, by following your program of risk management. Although I remain most interested in the income generating strategies, I will selectively try out some of the other strategies, even if only paper trading them.
I am looking forward to the trading group. I look at it as another educational opportunity. Your books and these courses remain a source of constant reference.
Knoxville, TN
Outstanding Job
Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I am sitting by the lake rereading your book. While I got a good deal out of it on my first read, I am getting so much more than the China read. Perhaps less jet lag and fewer distractions. Perhaps I got smarter in the last six months. Anyway, outstanding job.
Detroit, MI
Love the New Book
Love the new book. I am so glad I bought it. Reading the book has helped bring so many things into focus. Many thanks!
Phoenix, AZ
One of the Most Lucid, Practical and Realistic Books on Options Trading
Given has provided one of the most lucid, practical and realistic books on options trading with Time Is Money. Without any hype, Given takes us through the intricacies of option pricing and trading characteristics by focusing on how a trader can develop a trading system and a money management system. The emphasis is on candidate selection and risk management; the author's framework for trade selection and risk management is excellent. The discussion on weekly options alone is well worth the book; clearly showing the differences in monthly and weekly option characteristics, he helps understand the unique risks one is taking on - this chapter significantly aided me in inspecting my trades much better.
Lynfield, MA
Your Book Is Great
Thank you so much for your quick response. I think your book is great, very educational and I appreciate how you really take the time to explain it all.
Chicago, IL
Liked Your Video
I like your interviews on the Money Show. You don’t come off as a know-it-all or I’m better than you because I know this and you don’t. You’re calm, speak clearly, and simplify what can be a confusing subject. Well done.
Erie, PA
Ordered the New Book
Hi, Doc!
I just ordered your new book and am excited to get started! Thank you for your time and effort in writing this book.
P. S. Loved No Hype Options I refer to it frequently.
Phoenix, AZ