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Trading Track Records
This is the track record for the Flying With The Condor™ trading service for 2023. We closed 2023 with a net gain of +21% versus the S&P 500 at +18% as of 11/29/22 when we closed the December position for this service.
This is the complete 2023 track record for the Flying With The Condor™ Zero DTE trading service. This service began on October 30, 2023 and ended the year with a portfolio gain of 30.4% (43 trades with ten contract iron condors in a $25,000 account).
This is the track record for the Flying With The Condor™ trading service for 2022. We closed 2022 with a net gain of 38% versus the S&P 500 at -17% as of 11/30/22 when we closed the December position for this service.
This is the complete track record for the Flying With The Condor™ trading service for 2021. We closed for a net gain of 35% versus the S&P 500 at +23%.
This is the track record for the Flying With The Condor™ trading service for 2020. We ended the year with a loss of 32%, due to large losses during the first quarter. I changed the trading parameters significantly, and the balance of the year was much more positive, but I didn't recover from the earlier losses. The new trading rules are delivering much better results, so I expect 2021 to be a much better year.
This is the track record for Dr. Duke's Trading Group through June 2023. 51 trades were opened and closed with a win/loss ratio of 78% for a net P/L of +57%.
This is the final track record for the trading group for 2022. Dr. Duke entered 87 trades with a win/loss ratio of 62% for a net portfolio loss of 15%. This spreadsheet assumes a beginning account size of $5,000 and one contract entered for each trade.
This is the final track record for the trading group for 2021. Dr. Duke entered 144 trades with a win/loss ratio of 65% for a net portfolio gain of +41%. This spreadsheet assumes a beginning account size of $5,000 and one contract entered for each trade.
This is the trading track record for Dr. Duke's Weekly Newsletter. A total of 20 trades were entered in 2021 with a win/loss ratio of 70% and a net portfolio return of +31%. This spreadsheet assumes a beginning account balance and one contract entered in each recommended trade.
This is the 2021 trading track record for the Conservative Income trading service. This was a rough year for us; the frequent minor pullbacks this year tripped our stops and hurt our overall performance. We ended the year with a net portfolio gain of +4.01%. This spreadsheet assumes a beginning account balance of $100,000 with all trades taken as recommended.
This is the 2020 track record for the trade alerts issued to subscribers to Dr. Duke's Weekly Newsletter. A total of 17 trades were entered with a win/loss ratio of 76% and a net gain of 44% for 2020.
This is the 2020 trading track record for the Conservative Income trading service. We survived the March correction and recovered quickly (one month). Our subscribers are up 26% for the year while the S&P 500 is only up 14%. This conservative style of trading posts steady gains month after month and handles corrections well, but doesn't keep you up at night.
This is the track record for Dr. Duke's Trading Group for 2020. The trading group survived the coronavirus correction and ended 2020 with a net gain of 148% easily beating the S&P 500 at +14.1%. A key difference was our not taking the full 35% correction in March. That made it hard for the "buy and hold" crowd to recover.
The Conservative Income trading advisory service began in April, 2016. This service ended 2016 with a net gain of 8.1%, or 10.8% annualized. The detailed track record may be downloaded here.
This is the complete trading track record for the Flying With The Condor™ trading service for 2019. The net portfolio gain for the year was +11%.
This is the complete trading track record for the Flying With The Condor™ trading service for 2018. The net portfolio loss for the year was -10%.
This is the complete 2016 track record for the Flying With The Condor™ trading advisory service. This service ended 2016 with a 0.4% net loss.
This is the complete track record for the Flying With The Condor™ trading service for 2017. This service achieved a 6.5% gain for 2017. Trading non-directionally in a record setting bull market is difficult.
This is the detailed track record for the trades recommended in The No Hype Zone Newsletter for 2017. These are carefully selected high probability trades. A total of 27 trades were recommended in 2017 with an 70% win/loss record. If one contract were entered in each trade with an account with a starting balance of $2,000, the net return for 2017 would be 32%.
This download is the 2018 track record for the trades recommended in the No Hype Zone Newsletter. A total of 20 trades were recommended with a record of 12 wins and 8 losses for a net gain of 8% for the year. 2018 was a tough year for the markets with the S&P 500 losing 7% for the year. The No Hype Zone newsletter focuses on market analysis and reserves its recommendations to conservative, high probability trades. In fact, no trades were recommended in November and December due to the correction. In Dr. Duke's family of trading services, the No Hype Zone Newsletter posted the best track record for 2018.