I have been exposed to several other trading services and I think you are the most honest one by far. The other ones I always got the impression I was being given ideas from people that were generating them only to have a trading service and that they make their money on the service fees only and don't actually trade. I feel like you do actually trade your trades and from watching Time and Sales on TradeStation, which also provides historical data, I believe I have confirmed that. I do not mean to offend, but in this world you never know who can you trust. For further proof, I was pleased to see in your blog last night that you said you did not get filled on your Oct call spread, which I could see that you had not been, unless you had paid up big time from where you entered the order.

Also, your Thursday night meetings are quite good. I have attended other similar meetings and despite being completely enthralled with the market found them to be quite boring and basically no more informative than what I could have done. Yours seem to fly by and I felt like I was actually getting something I could use.
Thanks again,

Nixa, MO